Who We Are
The Heal House Project
HEAL House of Iowa has become a leader among rural homeless initiatives by developing a sustainable, successful supportive housing solution for children, families, and adults identifying themselves as homeless. HEAL House of Iowa delivers an evidence-based curriculum that ensures successful transition from homelessness to housing. This transition includes topics such as budgeting, job search, employment interviewing, parenting, literacy/education, housing searches, navigating criminal history complexities, substance use prevention, service access, and health/wellness maintenance.
HEAL House of Iowa provides accurate Warren County homeless-related data to the Iowa Governor’s Advisory Council on Homelessness to enable them to make informed decisions with regard to serving rural homeless populations along with identifying the financial resources necessary to move homeless individuals toward being successfully housed. HEAL House of Iowa develops collaborative relationships with currently established and future local resources. HEAL House of Iowa submits grant applications, engages in marketing activities, and initiates fundraising events in order to support shelter operations, expenses, and promote sustainability. HEAL House of Iowa systematically disseminates information about rural homeless populations via social media including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to educate the Warren County community about the needs of our homeless population and to decrease the stigma around homelessness.
mission statement
HEAL House of Iowa endeavors to provide a hand-UP to Warren County, Iowa children, families, and individuals in housing distress and/or for those individuals identifying themselves as homeless by providing safe housing support and resource services. HEAL House of Iowa will assist served individuals in identifying and linking to social supports, established services, and available financial resources that have the potential to bridge the individual from homelessness to successfully housed.
The Board Members
Laurie Abernathy
Joe Gezel
Mitzi Gezel
Jo Byers
Dorothy Gezel
Doug Shull
Nicole Tenges
The Staff Members
Allen Byers
Our Donors
HEAL Home of Iowa has experienced the good fortune of being well-supported by a variety of individuals, groups, philanthropic organizations, and area businesses. Our mission is to remain sustainable through the generous financial support of the broader Warren County community and its citizens focused on the wellness of even the most vulnerable members of our community.
Major Donors
Larry McConnell
Bob and Arlene Downing
In memory of Ted Diehl
In memory of Nancy Horton
Doug Shull
Jerry and Helen Ripperger
Steve and Beth McGinnis
Marty and Jennifer Smith
Mitzi Gezel &
Laverty Foundation
Individual Donors
Abernathy, Mike and Laurie
Alexander, Clifford
Ansley, Ron
Askensen, Angie
Baethke, Michael
Bean, Jack
Beeler, Harry
Benes, Bryan
Bentz, Nancy
Betsworth, David
Bishop, Karey
Bloom, Peggy
Bowlin, Jaxson
Bowlin, Thomas
Brito, Alice
Brommel, Joseph
Bumgarner, Johnny – In Memory Of
Bush, Tina – In Memory Of
Byers, Allen and Jo
Clavell, Mike
Dalluge, Paul
Dalton, Michelle
Daugherty, Julie
Denning, Sandra
Dotts, Marilyn
Dubois, Larry
Eaton, Randy
Eilers, John
Endriss, David
Enos, Christine
Father Fontanini
Fensterman, Kathy
Fleming Family
Fleming, James
Fox, Sandra
Freese, Elizabeth
Gandy, Joan
Garoutte, Kelly
Geiger, Mary
General Joseph Warren Questers
Geurts, Martin
Gezel, Joe and Dorothy
Green, Barry
Gunnarson, Richard
Halterman, Kevin
Hampton, Carmen
Hartung, John
Heater, Darren
Herr, Joel
Hoffa, Daniel Jr
Holst, Les
Houle, Jill
Hraha, Lisa
Hulen, Heather
Johnson, Grant
Johnson, Merle
Jorgensen, Terry
Kappleman, Charlie
Kelly, Meagen
Kelso, Brent
Kollasch, Mark
Kreamer, Donna
Kreps, Kelly
Krut, Dug
Kuehl, Arlette
Kuehl, Chad
Kurtz, Kathy
Lawson, Janet
Lawyer, Lori
Leak, Karen
Lester, Bob
Leuwerke, Beth
Martin, William
Martindale, Robert
Mast, Jonathan
McCormick, Angie
Meadows, Jim
Meager, Kelly
Meyer, Steven
Middleswart, Kay
Miller, Kevin
Morawki, David
Nash, Hazel
Neumann-Thomas, Kay
Oliver, Amy
Overland, William
Overton, Joan
Pace, Brenten
Parker, Lisa
Patin, Claire
Pauley, Judy
Perry, Judith
Peterson, Jeff
Pierson, Kathryn
Preston, Carol
Proctor, Carol
Reineck, Ronald
Richardson, Gary
Richey, Jo
Roberg, Nick
Rodemeyer, Nancy
Roush, Karla
Ruble, Leland
Sandquist, Russell
Sathoff, Art
Shaw, Kelly
Shean, Jo Ann
Shean, Michael
Shivers, Larry
Shull, Dennis
Slick, Jan
Slovah, Callista
Smith, James
Sothoff, Art
Spenner, Carmen
Spenner, Tony and Anitta
Sponsler, Becky
Staudacher Family
Staudacher, Mike
Sternquist, Lula
Stewart, Jesse
Sydor, Tony
Tabatabai, Ann
Thompson, Royce
Tinder, Susan
Van Clark, Lynne
Van Roekel, Joel
Van Ryswyk, Chuck
Van Ryswyk, Dean
Vanderpool, Mike
Vanwyk, Marvin
Vernon, JE and MM
Ward, Lanny
Warren, Tammy
Watters, Jerry
Welling, Keith
Wetzel, Jerry
Whalen, Jane
Wilkerson, Jeffery
Wilkinson, Harold Jr.
Winjum, Craig
Zulia, Vernisa
Zwanziger, David
Organizational Donors
21st Century Rehab, PC
Ackworth Garden Club
All Saints Episcopal Church
American Funds
American Legion
American Legion Auxillary
American Online Giving
Benevity’s Community Impact Fund
Brown, Winick, Graves, Gross
Coldwell Banker
Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines
Delta Kappa Gamma
DM Kelly & Company
Dorsey & Whitney
Farmer’s Chapel United Methodist Church
Fidelity Charitable
Finck Trust
First Assembly of God
First Baptist Church
First United Methodist Church
First United Methodist Church – Women’s Group
Groggy Dog
Hope Ministries
Indianola Chamber
Indianola Church of Christ
Indianola Community Foundation
Indianola Lioness Club
Indianola Middle School
Iowa Farm Bureau
Kiwanis Club of Indianola
Knights of Columbus
Life Point
McCoy True Value
MidAmerican Energy
Nationwide Foundation
Network for Good
New Heights Church
Norwalk Iowa Lions Club
Poam Logan Realty
Struthers Family Dentistry
T.R.M. Disposal LLC
The Blackbaud Giving Fund
The Hide Out
Thrive Church Indianola
Tis Best Philanthropy
United Way of Central Iowa
Warren County Economic Development
Wells Family Farm
Women of Redeemer
Facility Sponsors
Room 5 – Rotary Club of Indianola
Room 6 – St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church
Room 7 – Indianola First United Methodist Church
Room 8 – AGAPE
Room 9 – Indianola First Church
Room 10 – Trinity United Presbyterian Church
Room 11 – Thrive Church
Room 12 – DBM Construction
Room 14 – Wharton Family
Room 15 – Gezel, Merema, and Strong Families
Room 16 – Center Chapel
Room 17 – Redeemer Lutheran Church
Kitchen Living Quarters – Angie Elliott and Family
Eagle Scout Project -Picnic Shelter – Riley Morris
Laundry room – Chrissy and Brittany Abernathy
Garden – Chet and Helen Onstot
Classroom – The Weitzel, Hoffman and J King Families
Bathrooms – The Steph Erickson Family
Room Signs – The Wittry Family
Flooring – Doug Meyer
Office Walls – Cody
True Value
Grant Awards
HEAL Home of Iowa is proud to have been awarded the following grants in support of its mission
Central Iowa Housing Trust Fund
Good Samaritan Community Partnership
Volunteer Iowa - Americorps Grant
Redeemer Lutheran Church COVID-19 Grant
Warren County Philanthropic Partnership
State Awards
2021 HousingIowa Special Needs Housing Development,
Iowa Finance Authority
HEAL House of Iowa is grateful for the tremendous support we have received from the community in so many different ways. We are able to provide this service because of the generous support in the form of financial donations, Amazon Wishlist Donations, supplies, meals, grant awards, sponsorships, fundraising opportunities, and volunteerism. The HEAL House of Iowa volunteers are an amazing group who have ensured office coverage and direct support to our Guests. We have been empowered by the contributions of many philanthropic organizations. Your support makes a significant difference in the lives of our Guests.
We continue to update the donor listing as an expression of our gratitude and to recognize every single contributor. If you are aware that an individual or organization should be included, please let us know.